**Some services may be temporarily unavailable
Due to Covid-19**
We provide different services. Most of them are captured below.
Exposure to Craftsmanship (FREE SERVICE)
Stop in, hang out, and experience craftsmen at work. Salt of the earth types, ya know? Metal dancing with meat. Its free.
Authentic. Where anyone can speak up and be heard and where every opinion counts for something. Grow a pair and have a seat. All for free.
albino sea turtles (FREE SERVICE)
Woodys on Baxter is located on Baxter Avenue in Louisville, KY. Any given afternoon a patron of Woodys is likely to see any number of random acts occur (things that make you say "whoa, look at that"!). I can't guarantee you a good show, but you can't guarantee me that albino sea leopards don't exist. Free.
Networking Opportunities (FREE SERVICE)
Yep, social media is cool, but remember when you met a guy, who knew a guy, who was cousins with a guy who could replace the blown radiator in your aunt Carol's old Buick? You can find that kind of thing here. Again, it's free.
community (FREE SERVICE)
Woodys on Baxter is a great place to spend an hour or two. Come in, meet some new people (this involves not being on your phone), learn, share, engage, enjoy. Talk poker. Talk cars. Talk whatever. Most importantly, just communicate with other humans; the world is a super sweet place that we would enjoy much more if we were simply engaged with it. Free as well.
-The Crew (...except for Loran)